Friday, May 14, 2010
Its been awhile...
okie dokie.....sorrry.. it´s been like, what, a month or so since I´ve written on here. Let´s see... everything is going well. We have our circiut assembly coming up here the 29th and 30th of may and right before that our circuit pioneer meeting. And before that we are making plans to go tour and eat lunch at the branch here before it closes. My bible study Raquel is gonna come and Cayli´s got her´s coming too....I had a nice experience on the way to one of our far territories. Me and a sister were walking next to a girl returning from school....I asked her if she would like to read a magazine, she said yes and then I thought that was it but know she asks so where are you guys going...down the road I tell her...oh she´says well we can walk together, because thats where Im going we can i thought to myself..I like this girl...she´s not shy like many of the girls we kept chatting.... i asked her if she had ever talked with Jehovah´s Witnesses...she said yea some had stopped by before... I asked her what she thought about them or us....she says....happy...then she grabs the my book of bible story book from my hand...she said wow..what´s this...this is nice...i said its one of our publications...but i told her that that one i had already told someone i would give it to them...but i pulled out a bible teach this one can be yours...she smiled...she liked that...and i asked her if shed like to study and she said yes...only thing thats been hard is i havnt been able to find her again...sooo well if i dont find her again a seed has been planted. well gotta go...bye to everyone!! See you all soon...July 1st I´ll be back.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Funny experience
ok so this was an experience of two local sisters that were out in service from our congregation. They were in a territory that we work like every couple of months or so and they go up to a house of a family that is known to be rude to the witnesses...the same old man is there and invites them in the house to sit down out of the heat and all...and he starts in on them..saying "you guys dont even believe in Jesus and how is it that they can be witnesses of Jehovah if you havn´t even seen him?"...meanwhile the wife chimes in with her the sisters show him in Isaiah that Jehovah would have witnesses for his name...then the man asked another question...(by the way he´s Born Again) to him Jesus is God...."so why are you witnesses, how did you become JWs?" They respond..."well...some Jehovah´s witnesses came to our door and preached to us." He responds..."well we preach too." Then one of the sisters says: "Well I have never had a Born Again come preach to me".. then the man asks (trying to take control of the conversation).."so what are you going to tell Jesus when he comes back to judge?"......The sister says: "I guess I´ll tell him, I´m sorry Lord, but the Born Agains never preached to me.¨ And there was no response...he remained quiet.
Monday, March 22, 2010
For those who want to check out Nicaragua
Hola y Hello a todos! Ok so the day i come back is july if there is anyone that wants to check out a foreign country and does not want to spend a lot of money...there is room for one more in our house to come and check out what it´s like to serve where the need is great...let me me...
sarah minner
sarah minner
Monday, March 15, 2010
Raquels first talk!
This is Raquels first talk. She did great, didnt even need her notes...shes one of my Bible students, had studied for quite some time and then entered the school....which was hard for her because she is taking a class all the way in Managua and the class is on saturdays when we have our meeting at 2:30 but shes working on arranging her schedule to make sure she is there for all her meetings.....I didnt go to the meeting this saturday since i was sick but she was there and on hopefully everything is in place for her and i know her next goal is publisher.
Oye por fin! Estoy mejor! No mas de este dengue fiebre! YA! BASTA! I am finally better from dengue fever!! YAY! last night i had soo much energy that I didnt know what to do with myself! I can finally get back to my studies and service again. I am happy especially since we have the memorial right around the corner! Havnt had any experiences as I have been cooped up in the the house and 2 days and nights in the hospital with an iv hooked up to blood platletes went down soooo low to 57 and they are supposed to be at least at 150 or higher... my room mate cayli and I almost got it at the same we were suffering together. But now Im good and so is she and we can get back to why we are here!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Pictures!

I started another study in San Vicente, her name is Maria, sweet girl, she´s about 17 years old or so and she has to stay at home while both her parents work to take take 0f he 102 year old Great Grandma....she can´t really hear, her grandma, but man is that one determined older lady...while Maria and I were studying her grandma got up from her chair, turned and faced the chair, bent down holding the the arms of the chair and used it as a walker to make her way to the bathroom. I asked Maria if she needed any help and she said ¨no, she doesn´t like people to help her to the bathroom, she likes to do it all by herself¨.....and watching her go well she evidently didn´t, she had it covered. I tell you what the method of using the ¨Would you like to know the Truth¨ pamphlet to start bible studies is really working and I have Maria as evidence of that....simply ask the householder out of the 6 questions that the tract presents which one would they like to have the answer to and once selected answer the question with the tract and read one scripture from the Bible directly, then cut it off, tell them you got to go, you have the group waiting for you and well run away...leave them wanting more...I did that with Maria and she imediately wanted to know when I was coming back, ¨When are you going be coming back¨´s a great method and if the person is really interested and you will be able to tell by their body can show them and the back of the pamphlet where it shows the Bible Teach book and that this book offers even more and deeper information on that very question that they is functioning very well for me! I was finally able to find my buddy, my study Ishayana, she just started working the a ¨Zona Franca¨ a clothing factory and she works everyday, very hard the only day she has off is sunday and that´s when we have our study...I really like this girly...she was telling me how she used to think before like alot of people saying when something bad was happening to her or she was going through a hard time she´d say ¨oh God is punishing me or making me go through this¨ but througth what she´s learned she knows God never puts people to the test making them suffer through something bad just because he can...she told me that God is love and that he couldn´t do and wouldn´t do something like that to us because it would be evil...¨ I was impressed.... so i look forward to our studies together. What, Cayli and Rebecca another need greater awesome sister from texas are now doing the pioneer assist program with 3 of the young sisters in our that´s going to be nice.
The Pictures
the 1st pic is of the waterfalls close to one our territories called San Miguel
the 2nd is a flower at the Bethel here in Ticuantepe
the 3rd is of anda lousia my fave territory cuz it´s gorgeous and shady
the 4rth is where we cross through this beautiful spot on the way to the waterfall
the 5th is the sunset at Pochomil a really nice beach about 2.5 hours away from where were at
Monday, February 1, 2010
a little update
Im sorry I havn´t had much time to blog everyone! Things are going good, lets see some news is that my friend Cayli got her first scorpion bite poor thing, I had a bout of parasites but took some medication and am feeling much better now. I have a weakness for this tasty fried treat called bonuillo it´s fried youka which is like a starchy potato thing its really good drizzeled with honey. mmmmm..... Spiritual news, me and Racquel a student who just joined the school have a talk together, excited about that alot.....have a couple new return visits in Paso Real a territory i had never worked before, I see some real potencial there...using the Would you like to now the truth pamphlet works really good....loving that...oh and changing the subject a lil bit getting a package shipped doesnt take as long as we thought cayli got her´s in only 3 weeks.....wink wink mom to go already! Love everyone, til the next time when I have more time!
Friday, January 1, 2010
some neat experiences
I thought this was cute, my first return visit that i got here is Melatina, i recently went to visit her and now so you have an idea she is probably in her 80´s and still moves about but her knees hurt her bad and has to have an operation on her eyes which she is still waiting to do. I really want her to come to one of the meetings here because she does not live far from the kingdom Hall, she said she would like to go but that her legs hurt her so bad so i told her i´d carry her, she liked that and laughed and she invited me to come back for coffee and cookies and so i did, she wasnt feeling good and was actually laying down resting and got up just to visit me the sweetheart, even though i told she didnt have to because she was feeling bad. So we chatted more and i met her daughter, well i visit her tommorow and im going to ask her to see if she would be willing to go to the meeting if i hired a little moto to pick her up, so the story continues....until next week.
I have a study who has been studing for some time now, i kinda picked up the study from those that had studied with her beforehand and she has the goal of becoming a unbaptized publisher, which is great, she´s 16 years old and well i study with her on weds, well when we sat down to study and i asked here how things were and how her day was - the first thing that she wanted to tell me was that she had an opportunity to informal witness, she was able to explain to someone and show them from the bible that only a certain amount are going to the heavens and that the other group that serve Jehovah will live here on the earth...i was impressed and proud...she is applying what she is learning.
There is a territory that we work that is absolutely gorgeous, anna lousia is what it´s called, so my friend Cayli has a study there it´s about 1hr and 20 min to walk to her study and then there is even more beyond that. Well we were walking there one day and we see this old granpa with his shirt off so we greet him but he doesnt respond, i was thinking oh no maybe he doesnt like witnesses of finally he says to us your Jehovah´s witnesses? yes we say. He asks us if we have the magazines because he enjoys reading them and we pleased that pull some mag´s out and he hands us some money, wow, because we can tell he doesnt have much, he also asks us if he can have a bible and that someone had promised him one the big referece bible because his eye sight is worsening and so we told him we were going to get one for him but that we didnt know about the big one because it takes time to order one and so we promised to visit him the following week and bring a bible an the new magazines, so we did and he generously gave us 20 cordobas as a donation for the bible and was very nice and we also met his grandchildren who were very respectful, we were very impressed, the boys name is Roberto and the sister is Guadalupe, I´m so bringing them a bible story book. When me and Cayli were heading back from her study and we passed by there house again we waved and said Adios, and passed by then we hear from behind the little boy Roberto yelling something to us but we were too far to hear and we were already running late to lunch with the circuit overseer, but we had to know was he was saying, she we hurried back and he tells us i just wanted to say that i hope it goes well with you or Que les vayan bien it´s like saying goodbye or save trip back to where were going.....we thought that was very sweet of that young man he´s only 9 years old or so and so we gave him a hug and told him we´d come back soon.
I have a study who has been studing for some time now, i kinda picked up the study from those that had studied with her beforehand and she has the goal of becoming a unbaptized publisher, which is great, she´s 16 years old and well i study with her on weds, well when we sat down to study and i asked here how things were and how her day was - the first thing that she wanted to tell me was that she had an opportunity to informal witness, she was able to explain to someone and show them from the bible that only a certain amount are going to the heavens and that the other group that serve Jehovah will live here on the earth...i was impressed and proud...she is applying what she is learning.
There is a territory that we work that is absolutely gorgeous, anna lousia is what it´s called, so my friend Cayli has a study there it´s about 1hr and 20 min to walk to her study and then there is even more beyond that. Well we were walking there one day and we see this old granpa with his shirt off so we greet him but he doesnt respond, i was thinking oh no maybe he doesnt like witnesses of finally he says to us your Jehovah´s witnesses? yes we say. He asks us if we have the magazines because he enjoys reading them and we pleased that pull some mag´s out and he hands us some money, wow, because we can tell he doesnt have much, he also asks us if he can have a bible and that someone had promised him one the big referece bible because his eye sight is worsening and so we told him we were going to get one for him but that we didnt know about the big one because it takes time to order one and so we promised to visit him the following week and bring a bible an the new magazines, so we did and he generously gave us 20 cordobas as a donation for the bible and was very nice and we also met his grandchildren who were very respectful, we were very impressed, the boys name is Roberto and the sister is Guadalupe, I´m so bringing them a bible story book. When me and Cayli were heading back from her study and we passed by there house again we waved and said Adios, and passed by then we hear from behind the little boy Roberto yelling something to us but we were too far to hear and we were already running late to lunch with the circuit overseer, but we had to know was he was saying, she we hurried back and he tells us i just wanted to say that i hope it goes well with you or Que les vayan bien it´s like saying goodbye or save trip back to where were going.....we thought that was very sweet of that young man he´s only 9 years old or so and so we gave him a hug and told him we´d come back soon.
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