I started another study in San Vicente, her name is Maria, sweet girl, she´s about 17 years old or so and she has to stay at home while both her parents work to take take 0f he 102 year old Great Grandma....she can´t really hear, her grandma, but man is that one determined older lady...while Maria and I were studying her grandma got up from her chair, turned and faced the chair, bent down holding the the arms of the chair and used it as a walker to make her way to the bathroom. I asked Maria if she needed any help and she said ¨no, she doesn´t like people to help her to the bathroom, she likes to do it all by herself¨.....and watching her go well she evidently didn´t, she had it covered. I tell you what the method of using the ¨Would you like to know the Truth¨ pamphlet to start bible studies is really working and I have Maria as evidence of that....simply ask the householder out of the 6 questions that the tract presents which one would they like to have the answer to and once selected answer the question with the tract and read one scripture from the Bible directly, then cut it off, tell them you got to go, you have the group waiting for you and well run away...leave them wanting more...I did that with Maria and she imediately wanted to know when I was coming back, ¨When are you going be coming back¨....it´s a great method and if the person is really interested and you will be able to tell by their body language...you can show them and the back of the pamphlet where it shows the Bible Teach book and that this book offers even more and deeper information on that very question that they made....it is functioning very well for me! I was finally able to find my buddy, my study Ishayana, she just started working the a ¨Zona Franca¨ a clothing factory and she works everyday, very hard the only day she has off is sunday and that´s when we have our study...I really like this girly...she was telling me how she used to think before like alot of people saying when something bad was happening to her or she was going through a hard time she´d say ¨oh God is punishing me or making me go through this¨ but througth what she´s learned she knows God never puts people to the test making them suffer through something bad just because he can...she told me that God is love and that he couldn´t do and wouldn´t do something like that to us because it would be evil...¨ I was impressed.... so i look forward to our studies together. What else...me, Cayli and Rebecca another need greater awesome sister from texas are now doing the pioneer assist program with 3 of the young sisters in our congregation....so that´s going to be nice.
The Pictures
the 1st pic is of the waterfalls close to one our territories called San Miguel
the 2nd is a flower at the Bethel here in Ticuantepe
the 3rd is of anda lousia my fave territory cuz it´s gorgeous and shady
the 4rth is where we cross through this beautiful spot on the way to the waterfall
the 5th is the sunset at Pochomil a really nice beach about 2.5 hours away from where were at